Building A Scuba Community

Article and Photos Provided By: Jean-Marc Claes


At ScubaBiz.Help we are looking to assist you in building sales. Whether you are selling memberships, courses, equipment, trips or more, you need to sell. In this series, we hope to give you one more area that you can explore to create sales which, of course, means income.


This article is the first in this series about building a community. In this series, we will follow the post-pandemic relaunch of a club while it builds by adding more members to its community and focusing on helping and building a new brighter and bigger future for its local divers.


On the topic of building a scuba community will start the series with “Why” and then “How to Start.”

Why would someone need a scuba community?


Firstly, not everyone will, but we will focus on this that could benefit. Let us build a list of points that you can consider.

  • Promoting local dives will mean more air fills if you have an air station. Get people diving locally.
  • Do you offer courses? Active divers are precisely whom you want for continued education.
  • Do you have difficulty cost justifying or paying for some basic costs?


These could include insurance, pools, training gear, rent or even wages. Active divers generate a reoccurring income for you.


A Club. In many parts of the world, clubs are more prominent than stores. Are you in one of these areas? Can you benefit from creating a club in your area?

  • Scuba can be a very social experience for people. Having social gatherings can create a fun atmosphere that you can benefit from.
  • Offer local and or travel dives.
  • Paying for pools is often a problematic issue. It will be easier to profit from courses if the pool costs are shared or covered by other divers.
  • We learn from others. Perhaps this could be your most significant gain. You can learn from others.


What they want or need. What are other instructors doing? This idea can supply so many opportunities for you.

  • Shared costs? Possibility?
  • There may be ways where you can share equipment.
  • Establish yourself as the local expert.

The list here is endless!


Can you benefit from building a scuba community? Only you can answer this question. Contact us if you need assistance, and we will help you through the process.

“How to start a scuba community.”


So, where can you start? Here is a short list to get you started on your plan. Invite your local divers to:

  • Host an evening with a guest speaker.
  • A monthly meeting with a dinner and guest speaker.
  • Pool sessions. Monthly, weekly, biweekly.
  • An environmental clean-up.
  • Hold a fundraiser for a local cause.
  • Hold a scuba refresher evening with pool and theory for local divers.

Stay tuned for the next issue are we see how the club develops and implements a plan to build and thrive.

Count Down to Launch

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