Letter from the Editor March
Letter from the Editor March 2023
We are keeping it fresh! We have mixed things up in this edition to keep your ScubaBiz.Help experience fresh and evolving! As we put together the items for this release, we are truly working worldwide. I am in Curacao, Jean-Marc and Karen are in the British Virgin Islands, Ryan is back in Canada, Thommie is in Sweden, and Robert is also in Canada.
As always, we have included ideas you can use and build on to improve your business while protecting and celebrating the underwater world. To our readers, thank you for the trust you have in us to assist you in building your business stronger.
As we say, our mission is in our name: ScubaBiz.Help.
So, what can you find in this issue? Of course, you will read this issue cover to cover, but here are some highlights:
- Ryan’s Movie Corner
- Diving In remote places
- Part one in a new series – Is the scuba industry ready for disruption?
- Time to announce the winner of “ScubaBiz.Help – Your elevator speech award” and the “ScubaBiz.Help – Thinking outside the Box Award”
- Be what you sell
- Recycling to create art.
- What to do with video footage
- Hygiene in diving.
- The art of diving
- And so much more!
Is there a topic that you need to hear about? Or do you need personal assistance? We are easy to reach. Please email us at info@ScubaBiz.Help or contact us on our social media.
Please take the time to support our worthy cause. These services are at no cost to any scuba professional. Instead, we will rely on advertisers and those who can afford to send whatever financial support they can. Feel free to use our SUPPORT button to assist us in providing these valued services.
Remember to use Google Translate to get the information in your preferred language.
Yours in fun, safe diving, Bill Doran.`
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