Yaxil Tun The book we all need to read, understand and be aware of!
What makes a book a scuba book?
What makes a writer create a scuba book?
Why do we need a scuba book?
A 40-year-old Belarus born but Belgian national wrote a scuba-related book about a story in Mexico!
Does it get more international than this?
Yes, it does!
The story is an international/global story that touches us all, scuba divers and non-scuba divers alike!
Alesya Baldassari discovered the underwater world during a (first) holiday in the Maldives. As an artist, mostly into painting, the underwater world appealed to her! A never finished painting that kept on evolving.
Writing stories was not unknown to her, but writing a complete book was another dream to fulfill. So after the Maldivian holiday and learning to dive, the silent Covid time came. Alesya took her pencil and started painting ocean life, sea creatures and everything she saw, and experienced in the Maldives, now so far away.
Painting several works, she saw a story unfolding and took up a pen, the start of the story Yaxil Tun!
Three years later, the book was finished, initially written by her in Russian and decorated with her artwork.
Soon the book got translated into English and now Dutch as well.
What is the book about?
Well, we do not want to spoil the story…it is a fiction-fantasy story about a young girl in Mexico, adventures, and so much more.
Should we leave it to that? Nope…
The story reveals many realities about pollution, ecology, nature, and culture. Written for an audience of 16 years and older, so it is not a youth novel!
Alesya sees her future evolving in many different ways; yes, another book is an option.
Marine biology is one of her favourite passions. She was recently certified as a NAUI Marine Ecology Specialist to learn more about the aquatic environments and all possible interactions between the oceans, the coral reefs and the humans.
Will this be the necessary preparation to start writing a second book? We shall not tell!
Alesya has already booked her next scuba holiday and will be visiting the Canary Islands. She will dive into the reefs of Tenerife and has chosen to spend most of her time in the water.
Her future holidays are dedicated to the oceans, the marine life and finding out where she can make a difference!
She wants to make a difference with her talents: writing, painting and her big smile!
Her energy is mind-blowing and never-ending!
What about the book?
It is for sale on Amazon and LULU (23,50€) and is a serious read and value for money, with 356 pages to enjoy!
Follow the link below to get the book:
Enjoy reading this book!
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